7 of the Best Coffee Cocktails

Coffee cocktails can be a great way to add a little extra kick to your night. Not only are these drinks delicious, but they can also give you a boost in energy. The good news is that there is plenty of alcohol that mix well with coffee, giving you a huge range of choice and tastes! Let’s look at some of the ones we particularly love, yum...
1. Espresso Martini
One of the most popular types of coffee cocktails is an espresso Martini. Famously, this is the drink that James Bond enjoys. An espresso Martini is made by combining two ounces of vodka, one ounce of coffee liquor and one ounce of fresh espresso. Add ice and shake it well to combine. Then, you’ll be able to pour it out and enjoy it. If the drink is too powerful, you can add a little more coffee liquor.
2. Mudslide
Another fun drink is a mudslide. In this case, you will need to mix an ounce of coffee liqueur and an ounce of vodka. Add two ounces of Irish cream. Add ice and shake well. To finish, add some toppings over the drink. This can be whatever takes your fancy. Chunks of chocolate chips or cookies are a good choice. Or you can add some fresh fruit, like cherries. Experiment to find what works best for you.
3. Irish Coffee
One of the most popular cocktail combinations is Irish coffee. Not only is this delicious, but it’s also one of the easiest to make. All you need to do is make freshly ground coffee. Fill up a glass until it’s three-quarters full. Add two cubes of sugar. Add one and a half shots of Irish Whiskey. You can then fill the rest with whipped cream. If you want, you can finish by sprinkling some chocolate powder over the top of the cream.
4. Kentucky Coffee
If you want an alternative to Irish coffee, you might want to consider Kentucky Coffee. This will give you a more powerful alcohol and coffee kick. In this case, fill up half the glass with coffee. Then, add an ounce of bourbon and an ounce of coffee liqueur. You can then add some sugar to sweeten it up. To finish it off, you can add some whipped cream on, filling up the remainder of the glass. If you prefer, add some vanilla extract to taste.
5. Ice-cream Coffee
If you are looking for a delicious treat, why not try combining ice cream, coffee, and alcohol? This is very easy to make. Prepare a cup of coffee as you normally would. While you are doing this, take a scoop of vanilla ice cream and put it into the microwave. When it has melted, add it to your coffee, stirring it in. Finally, it’s time to add the alcohol. Put in half an ounce of Kahuna and tequila.
6. Maple Pecan Latte
If you want to add some nuts to your coffee, you might want to try this delicious maple pecan latte. The flavour of the nuts will be complemented by a delicious coffee flavour and a shot of whiskey. Though it takes a little more time to prepare, this is a spectacular blend. You can find a recipe to make this drink here.
7. Caribbean Coffee
This type of coffee is a great way to create the flavours of the Caribbean at home. Plus, it’s easy to whip up, taking only a few minutes. All you need is to create a black coffee. Then, add an ounce of rum. Next, put in half an ounce of amaretto liquor. Season to taste with milk and sugar. If you want to finish it off, you can add some whipped cream and a sprinkle of nuts or chocolate paste.
Make Your Own Blend
Though these are some of the most popular options, there are dozens of others that you can try. One of the reasons why these are so popular is because of how easy the cocktails are to make. All you need to do is make a delicious cup of coffee, this website offers some tips to help you do this. The key is getting a good grind on the coffee to extract the best flavour. If you don’t already have one, check out this review of coffee grinders for any type of beans. After you’ve made the coffee, experiment with adding alcohol. Eventually, you’ll have made your own delicious cocktail creation recipe which you can share with friends and family.